As I work in mental health and oversee a lot of studies where the participants are asked to track their moods nightly for menstrual symptoms, I've often been curious about tracking my owns moods but have always been
As you can see from the picture I've been tracking for 2 months and while I'm still a little bit all over the place, my good days overwhelmingly outnumber the bad. And bad "days" don't generally last a whole day - just parts of one. I really wish I had started this bullet journaling in advance of starting 21 Day Fix Extreme again because I honestly feel like looking back I had a lot more "meh" or :-/ days and now things are mostly looking good!
I will say that I have done a lot of work to improve my mood since August began. As I keep putting myself out there more and more it's necessary to have a positive frame of mind because if you don't, it's super easy to focus on the negatives, the what-ifs, the potential for failure and so on. I realized almost immediately that if I was going to take the leap and learn to fly on the way down that I was going to have to believe (like, REALLY REALLY REALLY BELIEVE) that I would succeed and that positive things would come my way. I honestly owe that mindset shift to my improved mood.
It's incredibly freeing to let go of overthinking, catastrophising, worry and doubt. And apparently, all the real estate those things were taking up in my brain were put on the market and I was allowed to put whatever kind of thoughts I wanted there. So I replaced them with thoughts of self-love, growth, commitment, pride (which is different from conceit, mind you) and most importantly the intention to allow those positive vibes to flow outward to everyone else I come in contact with.
So long story short, I'm thrilled with the outcome thus far and am very much looking forward to the continued upswing! I wonder how many :-D days I will be able to rack up next month?!
xoxo, my loves! And remember, always be a goal digger ;)