Wednesday, October 19, 2016

3 Day Refresh - Day 2 Review

Overall,  Day 2 was much less positive than day 1. I had to get a flu shot (never my favorite thing to do), was must less occupied (had a very free day at work to catch up on paperwork which meant a lot of clock watching) and that made everything seem harder. I really doubted my ability to stay the course, I felt tired and didn't sleep all that well that night but here is the full low down...


Same story, different day...again I had my shakeo with frozen banana and berries.This kept me full until about 9:30 (about 2 hours) at which point I had some tea that I felt like did nothing for me.


I actually found myself looking forward to the fiber sweep because I knew it would keep my full for  a while. I really don't dislike the taste of this and will likely incorporate something similar in my usual routine - definitely don't hate this!



Lunch on day 2 was a serious improvement over lunch on Day 1. I learned from my mistakes and  was feeling good at lunch. Gotta say again how much I really like the Vanilla Fresh! I need to buy that stuff on it's own! Anyone who buys this and doesn't finish and wants to unload some VF, I'm your girl!


I ended up having basically a repeat of lunch on Day 2 afternoon snack because why fix it if it ain't broke? I like veggies and hummus and it stays with me for longer then 1/2 teaspoon of almond butter would. This is a snack I have a lot so being a creature of habit, this just made sense for me.


Now dinner is where things get husband had jury duty and asked if I would mind if he just had a couple of beers and left over pizza for dinner. While he was totally supportive of me, he wasn't about to join in either. I had planned to make extra of whatever I was having to double as a side dish for his protein. I was fairly hungry when I got home so I decided just to get my own dinner started. I made the coconut steamed veggies (I added curry powder and some fresh grated ginger to go along with it) as well as heated my veggie broth. I ate slowly, drank some water and was planning to reserve my shake for "dessert" but even immediately after eating I was still hungry. This is when the thoughts of failure started to creep in. I also just so happened to purchase Halloween candy (because OMG THEY ARE RUNNING OUT AND WHAT IF WE DON'T HAVE ANY FOR THE 1 TRICK-OR-TREATER THAT WE GET?!?!?) so that was calling to me from the closet. I drank my shake but an hour later was still hungry.

Instead of veering majorly off track I decided that it was permissible to make myself a small, tortilla pizza (whole wheat taco shell, tomato sauce and light cheese) and call it a night. So did I cheat? Yes. Did I devour all the candy sitting in my pantry? No.

I went to bed early with a touch of a headache creeping up but tossed and turned for a long time before I finally decided to read which helped. Once I fell asleep I slept well through the night but had some wild dreams about truckfulls of dead cows and pigs being parked on my street (maybe it's because I've been eating vegan for the past 2 days?!) so I can't say that was the best night sleep I've ever had.

Onward and upward to day 3! Looking forward to finishing and celebrating our anniversary tomorrow!

Stay tuned for the final installment of Claud vs 3 Day Refresh! Who will win?!

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